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Add the following to your <plugins> section in your pom.xml file to generate changelog.txt and changelog.html in your target folder:


HTML reports will render issue codes as links if you have your issue tracking system is defined in your pom file. Currently only Jira, GitHub and Bugzilla issue tracking is supported.


Merge logs only configuration

For release notes with only merged branches you a sample configuration.

    <excludeCommitsPattern>^(?!Merge branch.*).*$</excludeCommitsPattern>

More configuration options

The following example shows all the possible configuration values with default values overridden.

       <reportTitle>Changelog for Maven Git Log Plugin version 1.14.0</reportTitle>
       <issueManagementSystem>GitHub issue tracker</issueManagementSystem>
       <dateFormat>yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z</dateFormat>
       <includeCommitsAfter>2014-04-01 00:00:00.0 AM</includeCommitsAfter>
       <bugzillaPattern>(?:Bug|UPDATE|FIX|ADD|NEW|#) ?#?(\d+)</bugzillaPattern>
       <!-- Maven artifact that contains maven-gitlog-plugin CommitFilter to be used -->
       <!-- CommitFilters are loaded using the SPI mechanism Provided by the JRE:    -->
       <!--    -->

Including the changelog in your Maven assembly

If you want to include the changelogs in your assembled package, then you will need to configure the Maven assembly plugin to use a custom descriptor. The following is an example of a descriptor that creates a zip file which includes the two changelog reports in the docs folder of the zip file:

<assembly xmlns=""

Showing the git changelog for your current project

If your project has a reference to the gitlog plugin already, the following command will print a changelog to the command line:

$ mvn gitlog:show

If you want to see a git log without having the plugin defined in your pom, you can run:

$ mvn com.github.danielflower.mavenplugins:gitlog-maven-plugin:show

Gitlog report at site generation

The gitlog can be the part of the site report generation. For this, add tis section to your pom:
